Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Just a Thought

The greatest pleasure I know is to do good by stealth and to have it found out by accident. - CHARLES LAMB


by “MasterRevelation”

I'm not too fit, I'll have you know,
I'm overweight and rather slow,
But when I run, I manage; though
I'm breathless!

Though in the past it was not thus,
I am not one to swear and cuss,
Except that, trying to catch a bus,
I'm breathless!

When as a youth, I used to play
With sweet young ladies in the hay,
The girls would be the ones to say:
"I'm breathless"!

At sport I'd always stay the course,
I was as strong as any horse,
But now, with just a little force,
I'm breathless!

I guess my life has reached the stage
When these things happen at my age.
If all my passions I assuage,
I'm breathless!

No longer, now, do I aspire
To climb a mountain, walk on fire,
Instead I curb each wild desire:
I'm breathless!



I am an old man and have known many troubles, but most of them never happened. (Mark Twain and others)

One of the good things about getting older is you find you're more interesting than most of the people you meet. (Lee Marvin)

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. (Abraham Lincoln)

By the time you're eighty years old you've learned everything. You only have to remember it. (George Burns)

Old age is a lot of crossed-off names in your address book. (Ronald Blythe)



Good news for all folk who are really ancient!

According to The Register, old people who use computers are less likely to get dementia. This is the finding of researchers at the University of Western Australia's Centre for Health and Ageing.

So the message is, for folks like me, - Keep on Blogging!


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