by Rochelle Mass
Trees help you see slices of sky between branches,
point to things you could never reach.
Trees help you watch the growing happen,
watch blossoms burst then dry,
see shade twist to the pace of a sun,
birds tear at unwilling seeds.
Trees take the eye to where it is,
where it was,
then over to distant hills,
faraway to other places and times,
long ago.
A tree is a lens,
a viewfinder, a window.
I wait below
for a message
of what is yet to come.
The tall tree looked down at the little reed growing below and said, “Why don’t you plant your feet deeply in the ground, and lift up your head in the air as I do?"
"No. no,“said the reed, "I’m quite happy as I am, and I think I’m safer down here."
"Safe!" sneered the Tree, "I’m sure I’m much safer - I’m big and strong.“
The next day however there was a tremendous storm, the tree was torn up by its roots, and flung down - a useless log. The little reed was able to bend in the wind and, when the storm had passed, was standing up straight, completely unharmed.
And the moral is - obscurity often brings safety.
This silk painting “Tinh Yeu”, by the contemporary Vietnamese artist Phan Quoc Hung, refers to the story of two young lovers who had to flee because their families wouldn’t allow them to see each other. Since their lives were being threatened, a kindly magician came to the rescue by turning them into two beautiful swans. So they were saved, living as swans during daytime and as humans during the night.
Granny's Little Laptop
by Roann Mendriq
Granny has a laptop,
its sleek and shiny new;
She gazes at it fondly,
and wonders... what to do?
She keeps it gently on her lap,
she really thinks its nice,
She doesn't like the mouse at all,
she's very scared of mice!
But soon she'll start blogging
and take the world by storm,
With precise posts on ecology,
and why our globe is warm!
She'll be in touch on email,
with family friends on the net;
And keep us all enthralled,
with her global tete-a-tete!
She'll engage in quirky forums,
and have a million fans,
Asking for her recipes,
of fish curries and flans!
She'll keep the world begging,
for her poetry and prose,
For her masterpiece in Egyptology,
for the stories that she knows!
So, get set darling Granny,
we're so happy you're online,
You're a Granny in a million,
I'm so glad you're mine!!!
by Roann Mendriq
Granny has a laptop,
its sleek and shiny new;
She gazes at it fondly,
and wonders... what to do?
She keeps it gently on her lap,
she really thinks its nice,
She doesn't like the mouse at all,
she's very scared of mice!
But soon she'll start blogging
and take the world by storm,
With precise posts on ecology,
and why our globe is warm!
She'll be in touch on email,
with family friends on the net;
And keep us all enthralled,
with her global tete-a-tete!
She'll engage in quirky forums,
and have a million fans,
Asking for her recipes,
of fish curries and flans!
She'll keep the world begging,
for her poetry and prose,
For her masterpiece in Egyptology,
for the stories that she knows!
So, get set darling Granny,
we're so happy you're online,
You're a Granny in a million,
I'm so glad you're mine!!!

"I don't want to go out in the rain. She'll never find me here."
Next Post - Friday
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